Sponsor – Ruth Amani

Ruth is an 8-year-old Congolese refugee whose mother died in an accident while being transported to the Kyangwali refugee settlement in Uganda by UNHCR. Only a baby, and with broken legs, Ruth was rescued by 18-year-old Uwimani Angela, who found medical care and then took her to Kyangwali. Angela raised Ruth like her own child, but Ruth was taken by relatives of her dead mother when they arrived in Kyangwali in 2015.*  Ruth lived with her biological grandmother in Kyangwali, but appeared to be badly neglected, including no chance to go to school. Seeing Ruth’s plight, in 2017 Peopleweaver found a sponsor to pay for her education - including tuition, fees, a uniform, transportation and a hot meal every day. 

*In 2018 Ruth was returned to Angela's home. Read Angela's bio and microcredit loan application.

Ruth's primary school is sponsored by Dixie P. The sponsorship is given to her grandchildren as a Christmas gift.