2013, after her mother and others were abused, Prefina and her family fled the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR Congo), Prefina was ~five-years-old at this time, since then they have lived in the Kyangwali refugee settlement. Both parents are educated, her father at the university level. In the DR Congo they were teachers. Once living in Kyangwali they were not able to pay Prefina's school fees. Prefina's education was sponsored and she attended the Coburwas Primary school in Kyangwali. The Coburwas school is considered the best in Kyangwali. Prefina gets excellent grades, and a hot lunch every school day.
In January 2017 Prefina and her family immigrated to Australia where they are happily starting a new life.
Prefina (2016/2017 primary school yr. sponsored by private donor (Dixie P.)