
150 loans have benefit the women and approximately 750 children.

I have hope, where I had none." HOPE = $150

Our Women Microcredit Project targets the Congolese women refugees living at the Kyangwali Refugee Settlement in Uganda. These women have the desire and motivation to create a better life for themselves and their families. They want to provide food, shelter, clothing, and better health for their families. They want to have money to pay for their children’s schooling and most want to finish their own education, but find this out of reach.

The Kyangwali Refugee Settlement was established in the 1960s; currently there are approximately 118,000 refugees living in the settlement. In Kyangwali there exist income producing opportunities such as raising vegetables, chickens, and goats. For creative women, there are other money making opportunities.

We have provided approximately 150 women with microcredit loans, but there are many more hoping to be given one.

(The loan applications for the women below provide insight into their lives, more women will be added as the website progresses in it's redesign.)

Our future plans are to start a microcredit project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo – your donation can make this possible.

  • Nearly half of all impoverished families in the developing world depend on income generated by women.
  • Women are responsible borrowers, diligent savers, and competent managers who use their income almost exclusively to benefit their children.