(Application is only slightly edited for better understanding.)
One year sponsorship is $200.
Vision: To study and learn secretarial skills that would help the community in typing and printing information. To help needy children get an education.
When 2-years-old I left my father and mother because my family was experiencing a miserable life. In 2011, when I was 13-years-old, my adopted family decided to leave Lubero because people were killing each other. We traveled to Goma. I had taken the national exam for primary six and was waiting my results. I left without knowing the results of my exam.
After arriving in Goma I did not have school fees and did not go to school for two years. My family were surviving one day at time. In 2013, I was told by a friend about an adult school called TUENDELEE (note: this is the school PW has been asked to support). I was enrolled and restarted my primary six studies. I was again lucky enough to take the national exams, and succeeded. This made me want to continue to go to school.
Present life: Because I did not have basic education I grew up with shyness. Today I sing in the church and I do discuss with friends to learn and educate myself.
I thank those that opened this opportunity to me and enabled me to complete my primary studies. I have hope that when you read my biography you will be able to help me continue with my secondary school education. Education is the most important key for the success in life.
There are many other children and women who are not able to attend school in Congo. Educate me and I will also educate others!